Wednesday, May 26, 2010

cream cheese pancakes, take one.

after i had the cream cheese pancakes at IHOP, i kinda wanted them again. but, since eating at IHOP a bunch of times isn't exactly in my budget, i had to sit down and figure out how to make them. so this was attempt number one.

started out, of course, by making my pancake batter... whole wheat flour, eggs, whole milk (a present to myself in this lactose-free household), oil, baking powder, and sugar. stirred it up. then i brought in the cream cheese.

cream cheese by itself is.... okay. so, i mixed my whipped cream cheese with vanilla extract, sugar, and butter, blended it nice, then folded it into my batter.

overall, it came out good, but as far as flavor goes, there was no real difference. they might as well have been regular pancakes. i'm thinking of mixing the cream cheese the night before, chilling it, then putting it into the batter in cubes or chunks so that you can taste the cream cheese rather than it just being blended into the mix. or better yet, a cream cheese center.

- generation eat.

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